I thin I have toe nail fungus. How do I get rid of it?

by Waterless Pedicure on November 30, 2008

northlitchfield asked:

My big toe nail is brown and kind of crusty. After reading some articles online I think it"s a fungus. I want to get rid of it as soon as posible so I can go out on the beach without having to hide my toe.


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Sincere Riley November 30, 2008 at 8:41 pm

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If this is a fungus, it usually takes a few months to cure it and it take every day/night of applying anti-fungal medication to your toe. You can buy a medication, a cream/ointment for “toe nail fungus” over the counter at any drugstore. Just ask the pharmacist if you can’t find it.

Jason C December 3, 2008 at 11:29 am


I just got rid of mine after several years. I injured it playing tennis and somehow the fungus developed underneath my nail. Anyways, I used a product called Zetaclear. You can only get it online. At least I haven’t sen it anywhere else. I got mine on the recommendation from Suzanne W. Here is a link to her site.


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