How to prevent toe nail fungus after treatment?

by Waterless Pedicure on May 17, 2010

Natalie asked:

I had bad toe nail fungus for most of my life.. last year i took lamisil prescribed by my doctor, it got rid of the toe nail fungus within about 8 months.. my toe nails look so great and i love them!! Now that my toes are normal and look great.. what can i do to prevent toe nail fungus again?! My Aunt has the fungus as well.. should i cover my feet in plastic when i go into the shower? Thank You

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Stupid X-Rays May 19, 2010 at 11:08 pm

nail fungus

No need to go that far, google toe nail fungus, there is a ton of info on it.

Simon May 21, 2010 at 4:39 pm

Caffeinated Content

Basic hygiene is all that is needed. Keep your nails clean, especially under the tip of the nail, and try not to tear the nail away at the tip. Tearing creates an entry point for the fungus to gain entry again. Most common things to do is not to go bare feet in public places.

One thing I do suggest is to steralise all of your shoes that you have worn to kill any remaining fungal spores that maybe lerking in your shoes. This is what I did after I cured my nail, and still do about once a month.

You can read a lot of great information about using ozone to steralise your shoes in the source box below. Your aunt should also do this too as this will stop reinfection.

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