The only place to find the waterles pedicure, is at Allen Somers Complete Imagery Salon. If you are concerned about foot fungus from dirty basins at a typical nail salon, you might want to find out why people are turning to the completely sanitary and safe waterles pedicure.
Your toenails and fingernails actually protect the tisues of your toes and fingers. They are made up of layers of a hardened protein called keratin, which is also in your hair and skin. Your nails" health can be a clue to your overall health. Healthy nails are usually smooth and consistent in color.
Nail problems that could require treatment include bacterial and fungal infections, specifically from unsanitary water basins. The state of California mandates basins be cleaned rigirously after each pedicure. When you are pumping through 8-10 pedicures a day, it"s easy to start cutting corners & not cleaning the basins properly.
The waterles pedicure eliminates that because there is no tub that can breed fungus and bacteria. We use steamed towels, instead of water, that are kept in a sanitizer. All tools and implements are cleaned in an autoclave. Disposable products like files & toe seperators are given to the customer. Everything is clean and sanitary.
It"s very important to keep your nails clean, dry and trimmed. And never remove the cuticle, which can cause infection.
To paper yourself with the wolds most wonderful pedicure, please call me @ (714)675-2319 to arrange an appointment in our private room. Once you go waterles, you never go back...
We are located minutes from the Orange County airport, convenient to all Orange County, California.
With love,
Mindy Winkler
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